courtesy of –

We found this homemade treat recipe online and figured with summer coming, this would be a good homemade treat for your pups! enjoy.

Kirby devoured these! I also like bacon, however, I am declaring these strictly for the dogs!


  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 4 oz cup cinnamon applesauce
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 3 Tbsp maple syrup*
  • 3 oz bag real bacon bits

Preparation Instructions:

1.  In a measuring cup with spout thoroughly mix together all of the ingredients except the bacon.

2.  Stir in the bacon.

3.  Pour the mixture into molds or ice cube trays.

4.  Cover with plastic wrap and let freeze for 4 to 6 hours.

Twist to remove.  If they won’t come out easily hold bottom of molds under cool running water and then twist.

* I used real maple syrup.  Pancake syrup would have too many added ingredients.


Choke Hazard: PLEASE monitor your dogs when giving them Pupsicles! Alternatively, make sure they are very small, at least the first time out.


  1. Run A Muck Ranch · · Reply

    Need to throw out the disclaimer for the Idiot Dogs: PLEASE monitor your dogs when giving them Pupsicles! Alternatively, make sure they are very small, at least the first time out.

    I created a recipe for my kids, and eagerly took a group out to test them. While most were fine, one, and there is always one – swallowed it whole and choked on it. I had to heimlick it out of her, only to have her go at it again. I guess she wanted to celebrate her near death experience…

    Mine was a beef/yogurt based, but yours sounds so much yummier – and look a whole lot prettier.

    1. Thank you!! we’ll put that on there asap. hope your pups now safely enjoy their new treats haha.

      1. Run A Muck Ranch · ·

        Ours don’t have a lick of common sense among them, so we can’t try that again. We have to stick to room temperature treats. Just had one in for emergency obstruction surgery – and he was one of the ‘smart’ ones. Thinking our feral foster caused him to eat something he normally wouldn’t in an evil attempt to kill him, securing her spot as a permanent Run A Muck Ranch dog.

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